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Mystery militia sows fear – and confusion – in Congo’s long-suffering Ituri

Since June, at least 360 people have been killed and more than 300,000 uprooted in Itruri, as a mysterious militia group thought to be drawn from the region’s marginalised Lendu community spreads across the region, attacking mainly ethnic Hema villages. With the world's eyes on Ebola, there's little help in hand. A dispatch from the province for The New Humanitarian.

13 August 2019

Ebola preparations tested as cases rise in Congo’s main eastern city

Rising Ebola cases here left aid workers and local residents questioning whether the sprawling lakeside city is prepared for a wider outbreak. From Goma, for The New Humanitarian.

2 August 2019

Briefing: The outlook for Libya’s migrant detention centres

What we know about the current situation for migrant detainees in Libya, what sort of help they are getting, and their prospects for release. For The New Humanitarian. (Photo).

17 July 2019

How Congo’s Ebola epidemic became the world’s second deadliest

More than 11 months after an Ebola outbreak was declared in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, the viral disease has claimed more than 1,500 lives, infected 2,244 people, and spread across the border into neighbouring Uganda. From Goma, for The New Humanitarian.(Photo).

2 July 2019

Reporter’s View: The challenges of covering spreading militancy in the Sahel

From August 2018 through May 2019, I documented the upheaval to civilians’ lives and livelihoods as violence spread through the Sahel region of West Africa. A reporter's diary for The New Humanitarian

5 June 2019

Special report: The Sahel in flames

Ten months of on the ground-reporting from the scrublands of northern Burkina Faso to the great cliffs of Bandiagara in central Mali. Reporting and editing for The New Humanitarian.

31 May 2019

Briefing: The civilian fallout from the Sahel’s spreading militancy

A surge in violence across West Africa’s Sahel has displaced hundreds of thousands of people and left thousands dead since January, as Islamist militants with links to al-Qaeda and so-called Islamic State extend their reach across the region at a time when they are losing ground in their Middle Eastern strongholds. A briefing on the spreading militancy for The New Humanitarian


30 May 2019

Burkina Faso, part 2: Communities buckle as conflict ripples through the Sahel

As many note the defeat of so-called Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq, militant violence is spreading like wildfire in lesser-known Burkina Faso. Part of a two part series for For The New Humanitarian (formerly IRIN)

18 April 2019

Burkina Faso, part 1: Spreading violence triggers ‘unprecedented’ crisis

As many note the defeat of so-called Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq, militant violence is spreading like wildfire in lesser-known Burkina Faso. Part of a two part series for For The New Humanitarian (formerly IRIN)

17 April 2019

In militarised Mali, humanitarian responders say aid is an afterthought

As needs rise in Mali, aid groups say their ability to respond is being hamstrung by an increasingly militarised security landscape marked by confusion between military and humanitarian actors, shifting conflict dynamics, and funding gaps that are leaving displaced people sick and starving. For The New Humanitarian (formerly IRIN).

11 March 2019

Ceasefires, French airstrikes, and demobilisation attempts are all failing to stem what the UN has described as 'continuous displacement'. For IRIN.

7 March 2019

In eastern Burkina Faso, local grievances help militancy take root

More that 1.2 million people could be in need of emergency aid in Burkina Faso this year as Islamist militants spread fear and displacement across the country. Report from Fada N'gourma in the east and Kongoussi in the north. For IRIN. 

15 January 2019

New violence eclipses Mali's plans for peace

The scale of violence In central Mali, a previously peaceful part of the country, has left many wondering whether a 2015 peace agreement is still fit for purpose. Reporting from Mopti and Bamako for IRIN


26 November 2018

“I have lost everything” – In central Mali, rising extremism stirs inter-communal conflict

Jihadists groups in central Mali have inflamed long-standing tensions between Mali’s Dogon and Fulani communities, sparking waves of tit-for-tat killings by abusive new militias. I travelled across the region for IRIN to investigate.


4 September 2018

"Praying for peace" - Malians pick new president amid rising violence

Presidential elections in Mali are taking place amid accusations of fraud, rising extremism and emerging inter-communal strife. A report from the capital, Bamako,for IRIN.

30 July 2018

"I have no power to complain" - Victims of sexual abuse by UN peacekeepers find little support or justice

In 2016, 155 women came forward with sexual abuse allegations against UN peacekeepers deployed in one small town in the Central African Republic.


Two years on: No justice, a botched investigation and scant assistance. Investigation for IRIN.


July 25 2018 

“Whoever they met, they would cut and kill” - displaced Congolese recount rebel atrocities

Two years of tit-for-tat violence in Congo's Rutshuru have left hundreds dead, villages burnt, and communities divided. With rare access I met civilians and militia leaders.



Razed villages and empty fields await Congo-Brazzaville’s displaced

Civilians can finally return to Congo’s Pool region, but a shaky peace agreement and scarce food and services may keep them away. For IRIN.

June 18 2018

"We have become the target" -

Aid workers in the Central African Republic's fast-fragmenting conflict

Needs grow, as access shrinks. In the Central African Republic, aid workers are now in the crosshairs as violence spreads to new areas and armed groups proliferate


May 31 2018

Inside mission impossible - Peackeeping in the Central African Republic

The UN faces impossible odds trying to keep the peace in the Central African Republic where violence is spiralling out of control and peacekeepers are becoming the targets.


My report from inside the UN mission. For IRIN.

May 26, 2018

Exclusive: The hidden war in Congo-Brazzaville

In April 2016, the government of Congo-Brazzaville launched a scorched earth campaign against an opposition militia called the Ninjas,.

After 20 months of violence I was the first foreign reporter given access to conflict areas to document the damage. For IRIN.

January 17, 2018

'Kabila must go' - How gridlock in Kinshasa is driving violence in Eastern Congo

As Kabila begins another year in power without a mandate, fear is mounting that Congo may slid back into the chaos of the past--a development that U.N. peacekeepers could be powerless to stop. A long read for World Politics Review


January 16, 2018 

Exclusive: Congolese army’s campaign of rape and looting in South Kivu

Travelling through South Kivu, we documented a systematic pattern of rape, looting and arbitrary arrests by Congolese soldiers as the army responds to a new insurgency. For IRIN

December 12, 2017

Kasai: The new rebellion in Congo

A dispatch from Kasai where a violent conflict between the Congolese military and the Kamwina Nsapu militia has left thousands dead and millions on the brink of starvation. For Foreign Affairs magazine.

November 7, 2017

"People are dying every day" - CAR refugees fleeing war suffer in Congo

Tens of thousands of CAR refugees have fled to remote areas of Congo over the past five months as conflict intensifies. Many find themselves in areas too remote or too dangerous for aid to reach. For IRIN

October 30, 2017

Kabila sits tight as Congo crumbles 

In Congo, President Joseph Kabila's determination to hold onto power has the country on the brink.​ Dispatch for IRIN News

October 5, 2017

Mass graves, missing bodies and mysticism: Inside Congo's spiralling Kasai conflict

A conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo's once peaceful Kasai region has left thousands dead and 1.4 million displaced in 12 months of violence. I gained rare access to Kananga, the capital of Kasai-Central for IRIN.

September 8, 2017

Central African Republic: rebels turn on each other as violence spreads

Recent clashes in Central African Republic leave 100s dead, villages destroyed, and more 100,000 displaced. I documented the consequences in Bria. For IRIN.

May 18, 2017

As U.S. and Ugandan military operations draw to a close, fear is mounting that the rebel group will return with vengeance. Story from Obo for VICE News.

May 2, 2017


In Central African Republic, end of Joseph Kony hunt leaves civilians vulnerable

An interview with Central African Republic President Francois Touadéra as US and Ugandan troops withdaw from the hunt for Joesph Kony. For RFI.

May 2017

Raped, injected with poison, entire family murdered: One woman's search for justice in Central African Republic

Victims, lawyers, analysts on the battle for justice in the Central African Republic. For IRIN News.

March 23, 2017

Disarming rebels in the Central African Republic

Profiting from war and fearing justice, will rebels in CAR ever lay down their weapons? On the challenges of DDR for RFI

March 20, 2017

Central African Republic: The battle for Bambari

Civilians suffer as violence flares in the Ouaka and Hautte-Kotto provinces of Central African Republic. Story from Bambari for IRIN News.

February 24, 2017

Central African Republic: Fear and violence, a year on from elections

A year on from democractic elections displacement reaches record levels as fighting spreads across the country.For RFI

February 13, 2017

No home to return to for Bangui's displaced people

Central Africans are finally returning home to neighbourhoods torn apart by sectarian conflict. Will they be safe? For IRIN

February 6, 2017

Burundi: 300,000 flee as crisis deepens

Eighteen months into the crisis, over 300,000 have fled into overstretched and underfunded camps across the region. Mahama In Southeast Rwanda is one of the largest. For RFI.


October 28, 2016

Burundi: Time is running out

Diplomacy has failed, and the international media has turned its back. But the crisis is continuing. A dispatch for the New Internationalist

January 28, 2017

Rwanda: Border communities suffer as Burundi crisis hits home

Trade vanishes and communities fray as a diplomatic crisis worsens in East Africa. Story for IRIN from Akanyaru on the Rwanda-Burundi border.

October 5, 2016

Brexit: The view from England's 'Little Poland'

Fear and uncertainty for EU migrants in Boston, Britain’s most pro-Brexit town. My dispatch for Al Jazeera about a divided town in a divided country.

June 30, 2016

Deported to persecution: Inside The Home Office's Eritrean programme

Why is the British Home Office trying to deport Eritrean refugees? An investigation for into a dodgy Danish report and the country dubbed “Africa’s North Korea” (Photo via)

April 11, 2016

Inside the Hungarian court prosecuting migrants

Inside the Hungarian court where refugees are being prosecuted. My report for VICE News from Szeged, in Southern Hungary, on the impact of the government’s new, punitive, border regime.

October 1, 2015

Revealed: Refugees sentenced to expulsion languish in Hungarian detention centres

Refugees sentenced to expulsion are languishing in Hungarian detention centres. My exclusive for Balkan Insight on the plight of the refugees prosecuted by Hungarian courts.

October 1, 2015

"Sometimes I wish I'd never left Syria" - Inside a Slovakian refugee centre

Racism, boredom and families pulled apart. My report from Gabcikovo, in Slovakia on a controversial practice Amnesty International has called “asylum dumping”. Published at Al Jazeera.

October 19, 2015

France: Where refugees go to avoid 'the jungle'

Tatinghem, Norrent-Fontes, Grande-Synthe and Lille: A report for Al Jazeera on life at some of France’s other refugee camps.

August 31, 2015

BBC: The refugee crisis in Calais

A “Reporter’s Notebook” segment I did for BBC Radio on the refugees at Britain’s border. Written and filed from Calais and broadcast on August 1st 2015. Listen on Soundcloud here.

July 29, 2015

Debunking the far-right's anti-refugee misinformation campaign

A two-part series for VICE exposing the bogus anti-refugee memes and videos popping up all over the internet. Published here and here.

September 15, 2015

November 27, 2015

Long Read: The slow death of council housing in the UK

The story of 120 years of British council housing told from the places and people that made it. A long read for VICE against the backdrop of the new Housing and Planning Bill.

March 2, 2015

The anatomy of an Israeli settler 'Price Tag' attack in the West Bank

A multimedia piece on price tag attacks in the West Bank I helped contribute to. Published at VICE NEWS

December 24, 2014

"We are tired of life" - Refugees in France describe life in limbo

On the situation facing refugees in Calais​ For VICE News

June 26, 2014

France: What happens to your town when a far-right party comes to power?

The far right are taking over towns in France. I travelled round the country to find out what’s happening. Read my piece in the New Statesman here.

May 27, 2014

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