Inside the NHS Crisis
Doctors, nurses, paramedics and administrative staff share stories from the frontline of the NHS, as a "humanitarian crisis" unfolds across the country. For VICE.
13 January 2017

Britain's Brutalism Revival
Once maligned as ugly and oppressive, Britain's brutalist buildings are now enjoying a surprising revival with TV appreciations, new books and expensive rental listings. But does the new vogue for béton brut ignore the politics behind the movement? And in the midst of a deep housing crisis can Brutalism offer any meaningful solutions? For Design and Build Magazine
January 7, 2017

Brexit: The View From England's Little Poland
Fear and uncertainty for EU migrants in Boston, Britain’s most pro-Brexit town. My dispatch for Al Jazeera about a divided town in a divided country.
June 30, 2016

Britain's Far-Right In 2016
‘Death to Traitors, Freedom for Britain’: A piece on the state of the British far-right in the wake of the EU referendum and the murder of Labour MP Jo Cox. For VICE.
June 24, 2016

Revealed: The True Scope of Immigration Raids in London
Immigration raids in London have surged by over 80% since 2010, according to data I uncovered under the Freedom of Information Act. My research - which reveals the full extent of enforcement raids in the capital - was picked up in the Guardian and in the Migrants Rights Network here and here.

Deported to persecution: Inside The Home Office's Eritrean programme
Why is the British Home Office trying to deport Eritrean refugees? An investigation for Politics.co.uk into a dodgy Danish report and the country dubbed “Africa’s North Korea” (Photo via)
April 11, 2016

How Will the Brussels Attacks Change the 'Brexit' Debate?
Counter-terror is becoming a political football as Britain decides whether to stay in Europe. For VICE.
March 23, 2016

Long Read: The Slow Death of Council Housing in the UK
The story of 120 years of British council housing told from the places and people that made it. A long read for VICE against the backdrop of the new Housing and Planning Bill.
March 2, 2016

The Bedroom Tax is Declared Unlawful
A court of appeal has found the bedroom tax unlawful in two instances. I asked housing lawyer Giles Peaker what the implications might be. For VICE. (Photo source)
January 28, 2016
How the British Media Reports Terrorism
Is the British media biased when it comes to covering terrorism? I looked at few examples in the wake of the Leytonstone stabbing attack. At VICE.
December 15, 2015

Immigration in the UK, Explained
With the humanitarian crisis in Calais at a critical point, I wrote a short guide to the jargon, spin and obfuscation used to describe migration in the UK. Published at VICE.

How Britain Treats Non-EU Foreign Students
Let down by his college and deported by the state: As Theresa May announces tough new measures for foreign students I took a look at the harsh reality some non-EU students are already facing. Published at VICE
July 22, 2015

The Plight of Immigrant Offenders Deported From Britain Without Appeal
Stripped of legal aid and deported without appeal; read my FOI investigation for VICE on the 2014 Immigration Act and the plight of the UK’s foreign national offenders.
July 14, 2015

The Truth About Britain's "Gig Economy"
Deactivations, side-hustles and a servant underclass. I was one of the first to look in depth at the workers scraping by in Britain’s ‘gig economy’. Published at VICE
July 23, 2015

East London Residents Talk About Gentrification
An interview with three residents of Fred Wigg and John Walsh Towers about the gentrification of their London estate. Published at VICE.
February 5, 2015

The Fight Against Privatising Britain's Most Famous Art Gallery
A report for VICE from behind the scenes of the National Gallery as plans to outsource 400 staff look increasingly likely.
January 23, 2015
Do Jews Have a Future in Britain?
A study by the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism claims the majority of British Jews feel they may have no future in the UK. Here’s a piece for VICE on why the Jewish diaspora isn’t going anywhere.
January 13, 2015

Bristol’s Anarchist Community is Facing a Police Crackdown
After a spate of attacks by the Federazione Anarchica Informale, Bristol’s anarchist community is facing a major police crackdown. I went down to the West Country for VICE to try and make sense of it.
January 13, 2015

One of the East End’s Oldest Markets Could Soon Close

How Revenge Evictions Ruin Renter's Lives
A piece for VICE on revenge evictions and the Conservative MPs that filibustered a bill outlawing them.
December 4, 2014

'Poor Doors' - Segregating Tenants in Inner-City London

Residents of East London’s New Era Estate are Fighting Against Eviction

London's Kurds March Again ISIS
Went out to speak to London’s Kurdish community protesting against ISIS. Published at VICE.
October 8, 2014

The UK's Property Guardians Live In A World of Constant Anxiety
An Investigation for VICE on property guardianship and the UK’s housing crisis. Read it here.

Civic Duty: What Happened to Britain's Great Public Sector Architects?
Just 2% of architects work in the public sector. I wrote a long-read for the LEAF Architecture Review explaining why.
May edition, 2014

London's Biggest Regeneration Zone Will Exclude the Poor
The redevelopment of Battersea Power Station and the Nine Elms area in south London illustrates a much wider problem in the way cities are managed and planned – councils seem perfectly happy to see private interests direct the course of historically interesting places. For the New Statesman
February 14, 2014

Dystopia on the Thames?
Another piece on the regeneration of Nine Elms for the Leaf Architecture Review
December edition, 2013